Innovation & Achievement, December 2009

Thomas Sugar, PA D ’92, is working with the Military Amputee Research Program and his own team on developing a new “Spring Ankle with Regenerative Kinetics, nicknamed SPARKy.”

Amputee George Wolf tries on a robotic prosthetic ankle
Amputee George Wolf tries on a robotic prosthetic ankle

“The device uses lightweight energy-storing springs to provide a flex that traditional devices” cannot offer. Sugar continues to work on the device and has four subjects who have tried SPARKy. Read full article


The University of South Florida announced two honors recently bestowed upon Dr. Salvatore Morgera, P.E., FIEEE,(FL E ’70).

Dr. Salvatore Morgera, P.E., FIEEE

In March of this year, Dr. Morgera was initiated into Tau Beta Pi under the eminent engineer designation. Recently, Dr. Morgera has been appointed Emeritus Professor at Florida Atlantic University.
Read news release


A team of four students from Michigan Tech have created a prototype, dubbed the Human-Powered Off-Road Wheelchair, for their senior capstone course.

The chair was recently on display and taken for a test-drive. The idea was to develop a vehicle that would propel disabled around the Tech Trails and other outdoor nature trails.

The Human Powered Off-Road Wheelchair team
The Human Powered Off-Road Wheelchair team

Team member, Heather Robertson, MI B 2009, talks about the unique experience of working on this project. “I learned about design problems, mountain bikes, and fabrication.”
Read full new article


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